What We Do

Supporting the Sciences of Light and Life Through the Arts For Animal Welfare and Wildlife Conservation.


Our Key Areas
We connect the dots between science, arts, and wildlife conservation through these 4 key areas

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ZLI Endowments

Data-driven science leads to better decisions, healthier animals and improved wildlife conservation.
ZLI Endowments are established to fund research, from post doctoral labs down to pre-K foundational learning. 

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PhotoDiversity Media

Thoughtful media fosters empathy for life, healtier living, and community pride, reaching people often separated from direct contact with non-human animals.

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AWASH Design

AWASH develops cruelty free design across fashion, architecture, and product design. AWASH pursues partnerships while hosting educational sessions focused on the importance of light in living well.

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ZALA Monitoring

Physical light is at the heart of animal welfare and ecological function. ZALA Monitoring Stations offer risk management tools to maximize effectiveness in care and community well-being.

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Our Campaigns
We generate real change through these life-saving initiatives


Saving whales and dolphins

ZLI's Adaptation Campaign

Advancing cetacean science by combatting the bigotry of anti-Asian hate. 

ZLI's Adaptation Campaign focuses on the relationships of light to evolutionary biology. This connects light to visual adaptations,  spanning 'duplex' visual systems to the intimate bonds of animals to  habitat.

Anti-Asian hate debilitates science and degrades the humans pursuing it, by mistaking bigotted passions for the respect and care necessary to do good works.
ZLI's Adaptation Campaign actively pushes back on non-scientific elements confusing animal welfare science and practices, while seeking to reduce suffering in non-human and human contexts alike.

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Saving bears

ZLI's Bearanoia Campaign

Advancing ursinology while exploring the light related factors of mental health! 

ZLI's Bearanoia Campaign supports research in the photobiology of bears, emphasizing brain health challenges related to the patterns of natural light over days, months and seasons, including hibernation. 

Environmental and social factors play a crucial role in mental health, not disconnected to the brain/neurological functioning related to it.
ZLI's Bearanoia Campaign seeks to mitigate ecologically and socially based
mental health challenges, such as bullying, to promote greater understanding of the light-based relationships in anxieties and phobias. 

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Saving sharks

ZLI's Activation Campaign

Advancing ichthyology,  while exploring light in reproductive and developmental health.

ZLI's Activation Campaign focuses on the relationships of light in developmental biology and reproductive cycles, featuring connections of 'luminous' (sic.) habitat to the various stages of a shark or ray's life. 

Women's rights are human rights, with control over one's own reproduction crucial for dignity and fulfillment. Biological development too, is fundamental to the viability of an individual, human or non.
ZLI's Activation Campaign develops understanding of the importance of light cycles to biological viability, shifting common perceptions of sharks to do so.

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Saving bees and other insects

ZLI's Insect Apocalypse Campaign

Pursuing photo-entymology to pursue food security for all.

ZLI's Insect Apocalypse Campaign supports entomological research in the photo-physiology, sensory ecology and integrative biology-ecology of insects, concentrating on the co-mutualism of food chains. 

The shocking decline of insect populations globally has unavoidably devastating effects on global food security. ZLI's Insect Apocalypse Campaign addresses hunger as it develops resources to better understand the role of light pollution in insect loss, and the ecological dysfunction it causes.

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Saving sea turtles

ZLI's Otohime's Time Campaign

Exploring testudinology by highlighting all stages of life and the role of light in aging. 

ZLI's Otohime's Time Campaign supports exploration in the light related whole life natural history of turtles. Taking its name from the parable of Urashima Taro, it emphasizes light, aging, and seasonality.

Every stage of life is valuable, from gestation to death and beyond.  ZLI's Otohime's Campaign recognizes the responsibilities of healthy aging, and the role that light cycles play in this important dimension of life. It stresses the valued contributions of young and old to work for ecological viability.

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Saving birds

ZLI's Save a Billion Birds! Campaign

Focusing on the sensory ecology of birds to improve nature access for all.

ZLI's Save a Billion Birds! Campaign promotes understanding of avian perceptual systems, including light and magnetic-based navigation. It is particularly concerned with adddressing glass/window collisions.

Inclusion of all peoples is required to solve the collisions challenge. Exposed glass kills billions of birds globally every year. ZLI's Save a Billion Birds! Campaign seeks to improve nature access across both sides of the equator, while improving scientific and architectural literacy for all.

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    Natural light is essential to all life
Let's light up the scientific path towards a brighter future!